Monday, December 5, 2011

Look it, a picture with some words embedded deep inside of it! Also some faces

Yes, yes, a fun practice piece. Charcoal is my new best friend, along with highlights. 
Perhaps I'm loosing my flourish a tad bit. I felt it flow a tad more in my previous piece, as in the black watercolor under wash. It seems that my preliminary washes tend to set the course for the rest of the piece, must try meditation or some other mental exercise before I do these perhaps...
Oh! New lesson(s)(?) I learned:
1. Do it. The only way to find out if something will work is to just do it. If it doesn't work, then try again and again until it works. Trial and Error nightmare mode, only for those strong of heart. This applies to art or simply the rendering process, however, it can equally be applied to everyday life. Try it!
2. When people piss you off, act, over act, perform, almost to the point where it's dangerously noticeable but not  too obvious. This helped today when an elderly lady appeared to be on the verge of shredding me into thin slices. Woe be the man that tries to get in the way of 29 cent sharpies. In the end she liked me thanks to my awesome acting skills! I have a new friend :D